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Chrysochlamys colombiana (Cuatrec.) Cuatrec.

Collection: Fajardo, F. et al. - 5391

Collection object

Herbarium stamp 37857
Preparations Fotografía - 1: JBB37994; Excicado - 1
Determiner Fajardo, F.
Determination date 2019-01-14

Collecting event

Country Colombia
State/Province Risaralda
County Pereira
Locality Otún Quimba Sanctuary for Flora and Fauna
Coordinates (verbatim) 4° 43' 29.17" N - 75° 34' 19.24" W
Latitud decimal 4.7247694
Longitud decimal -75.5720111
Elevation (in meters) 1957.0000000000
Collection date 2019-01-14


Kingdom Plantae
Division Tracheophyta
Superclass Angiospermae
Class Magnoliopsida
Order Malpighiales
Family Clusiaceae
Genus Chrysochlamys
Species colombiana
Species author (Cuatrec.) Cuatrec.
Scientific name Chrysochlamys colombiana (Cuatrec.) Cuatrec.

Biological attributes

Phenology Fructificación
Vernacular names Label: Chagualo.
Plant description Tree 15 m tall. Látex cream-yellowish. Inflorescence in raceme and terminal. Fruits deshiscent and green to yellow wiyh persistent stigmas and white when opened. Seeds elliptic covered by an orange aril.

Cite as

Herbario JBB en línea - Jardín Botánico José Celestino Mutis. 2025-01-20
Photo 37857 Ocurrence

Modified: 2023-05-26 17:37:50

GUID: b857d470-1119-40a3-b9d2-5d3c6edb5a30

2025 Jardín Botánico de Bogotá.