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Cestrum schlechtendalii G. Don

Collection: Fajardo-G., F. et al. - 6109

Collection object

Herbarium stamp 32902
Preparations Excicado - 1
Determiner Orejuela, Andrés
Determination date 2021-07

Collecting event

Country Colombia
State/Province Antioquia
County San Luis
Locality Río Claro Natural Reserve
Coordinates (verbatim) 5.8932° N - 74.85465° W
Latitud decimal 5.8932
Longitud decimal -74.85465
Elevation (in meters) 327.0000000000
Collection date 2020-01-17


Kingdom Plantae
Division Tracheophyta
Superclass Angiospermae
Class Magnoliopsida
Order Solanales
Family Solanaceae
Genus Cestrum
Species schlechtendalii
Species author G. Don
Scientific name Cestrum schlechtendalii G. Don

Biological attributes

Phenology Floración
Plant description Large shrub to 6 m. Leaves slightly anisophyllous with prominant midrib and secondary veination, tertairy veination not obvious. Adaxial leaf surface olive green, abaxial leaf surface sage green. White/pale green buds are cauliflorous, arising directly from the nodes of old leaves in a simple cyme.
Locality and habit remarks Shrub growing in dense lowland tropical rainforest. Shrub under canopy in shaded area, surrounded by smaller herbacous plants. Soil moist to sandy. Crossed the Rio Claro river using bridge from hostel. Followed path along the east bank of the river for aproximtely 25m heading in a north east direction.

Cite as

Herbario JBB en línea - Jardín Botánico José Celestino Mutis. 2025-01-20
Photo No image Ocurrence

Modified: 2021-09-14 10:38:37

GUID: 5dc53d04-2c2e-4c96-b98a-a9fdb9135c86

2025 Jardín Botánico de Bogotá.