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Burmeistera succulenta H.Karst.

Collection: Fajardo-G., F. et al. - 6270

Collection object

Herbarium stamp 32778
Preparations Excicado - 1; Fotografía - 1: JBB34781
Determiner Garzón, Javier
Determination date 2021-08

Collecting event

Country Colombia
State/Province Risaralda
County Pereira
Locality Otun Quimbaya Sanctuary for Flora and Fauna
Coordinates (verbatim) 4.72627° N - 75.5814° W
Latitud decimal 4.72627
Longitud decimal -75.5814
Elevation (in meters) 1895.0000000000
Collection date 2020-01-12


Kingdom Plantae
Division Tracheophyta
Superclass Angiospermae
Class Magnoliopsida
Order Asterales
Family Campanulaceae
Genus Burmeistera
Species succulenta
Species author H.Karst.
Scientific name Burmeistera succulenta H.Karst.

Biological attributes

Plant description Liana; tubular flowers with green calyx, corolla purple and green outside, purple and pinkish inside, stamens fused in a tube pinkish in the base and dark purple at the end, white at the top of the tube, pink-cream fruit.
Locality and habit remarks High Mountain Andean secondary forest fragment inside the sanctuary. Plant hanging at the edge of the forest at side of the stream 'La Suiza' West of Otun Quimbaya Sanctuary for Flora and Fauna main station, along Sendero Humedal near to the river 'La Suiza'.

Cite as

Herbario JBB en línea - Jardín Botánico José Celestino Mutis. 2025-01-16
Photo 32778 Ocurrence

Modified: 2022-05-20 16:01:14

GUID: ece24633-0294-4357-b49d-e94faaef7e66

2025 Jardín Botánico de Bogotá.