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Anthurium stipitatum Benth.

Collection: Fajardo, F. - 5251

Collection object

Herbarium stamp 25434
Preparations Excicado - 1; Tejido (Sílica Gel) - 1; Fotografía - 1: JBB26756
Determiner Fajardo, F.
Determination date 2019

Collecting event

Country Colombia
State/Province Risaralda
County Pereira
Locality Otun Quimbaya Sanctuary for Flora and Fauna: Trail between school and top of the santuary
Coordinates (verbatim) 4° 43' 17.76" N - 75° 35' 10.57" W
Latitud decimal 4.7216000
Longitud decimal -75.5862694
Elevation (in meters) 2050.0000000000
Collection date 2019-01-12


Kingdom Plantae
Division Tracheophyta
Superclass Angiospermae
Class Magnoliopsida
Order Alismatales
Family Araceae
Genus Anthurium
Species stipitatum
Species author Benth.
Scientific name Anthurium stipitatum Benth.

Biological attributes

Plant description Terrestrial herb. Height up to 1m. Erect stem 1.5 cm across, supported by a few adventitious roots, with 6-8 leaves. Petiole lenght 22 cm, including swollen pulvinus 1.5 x 0.7 cm. Lamina 34 x 13.5 cm. corriaceous, narrowly ovate. Peduncle 22 cm. Spathe 8 x 2.5 cm, narrowly ovate, pale green with more or less of a pale red tinge. Spadyx 8.5 x 0.6 cm, brownish yellow maturing to brownish red

Cite as

Herbario JBB en línea - Jardín Botánico José Celestino Mutis. 2025-01-10
Photo 25434 Ocurrence

Modified: 2022-02-18 01:01:11

GUID: d3c48846-5225-45f0-97d1-b1dc4e68f7e2

2025 Jardín Botánico de Bogotá.