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Begonia holtonis A.DC.

Collection: Fajardo-G., F. - 3976

Collection object

Herbarium stamp 24220
Preparations Excicado - 1; Tejido (Sílica Gel) - 1; Fotografía - 1: JBB25611
Determiner Fajardo-G., F.
Determination date 2018

Collecting event

Country Colombia
State/Province Risaralda
County Santa Rosa de Cabal
Locality Parque Regional Natural Ucumarí; by fish farm, on the path side running parallel to the river, 50 m past the rickety bridge
Coordinates (verbatim) 4° 43' 58" N - 73° 34' 06" W
Latitud decimal 4.7327778
Longitud decimal -73.5683333
Elevation (in meters) 1883.0000000000
Collection date 2018-01-17


Kingdom Plantae
Division Tracheophyta
Superclass Angiospermae
Class Magnoliopsida
Order Cucurbitales
Family Begoniaceae
Genus Begonia
Species holtonis
Species author A.DC.
Scientific name Begonia holtonis A.DC.

Biological attributes

Phenology Floración
Plant description Herbaceous climber 2-4 m tall over several shrubs; leaves fleshy; stipules caducous; flowers with pinkish-white tepals, stigmas & anthers bright yellow, male flowers seems to reach anthesis before femals; male 4 tepals, numerous stamens, female 4-6 tepals, variable sizes, 3 carpels, no scents
Locality and habit remarks WGS84

Cite as

Herbario JBB en línea - Jardín Botánico José Celestino Mutis. 2025-01-12
Photo 24220 Ocurrence

Modified: 2022-02-18 01:00:52

GUID: 92614ecf-5330-449f-ac21-020cd26470d4

2025 Jardín Botánico de Bogotá.