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To reduce handling of specimens and improve their preservation, the image may not reflect the latest changes in determination.

Agrostis trichodes (Kunth) Roem. & Schult.

Collection: Rivera, Yissel - 119

Collection object

Herbarium stamp 23791
Preparations Excicado - 1; Fotografía - 1: JBB25221
Determiner Rivera, Yissel
Determination date 2018-08-27

Collecting event

Country Colombia
State/Province Bogotá, D.C.
County Bogotá
Locality Vereda San José, San Juan de Sumapaz
Coordinates (verbatim) 3° 49' 58.7" N - 74° 23' 18.9" W
Latitud decimal 3.8329722
Longitud decimal -74.3885833
Elevation (in meters) 3338.0000000000
Collection date 2018-08-27


Kingdom Plantae
Division Tracheophyta
Superclass Angiospermae
Class Magnoliopsida
Order Poales
Family Poaceae
Genus Agrostis
Species trichodes
Species author (Kunth) Roem. & Schult.
Scientific name Agrostis trichodes (Kunth) Roem. & Schult.

Biological attributes

Plant description Hierba risomatosa de 12 cm. inflorescencia abierta, fragil, de color lila
Locality and habit remarks Zona de potreros al lado del páramo

Cite as

Herbario JBB en línea - Jardín Botánico José Celestino Mutis. 2024-12-26
Photo 23791 Ocurrence

Modified: 2022-02-18 01:00:34

GUID: 2700b4ff-5639-44c4-8c12-34ceb998d9b3

2024 Jardín Botánico de Bogotá.